School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a proactive approach based on a three-tiered model of prevention and intervention aimed at creating safe and effective schools.

Emphasis is placed on teaching desired behaviours and reinforcing positive social skills. We use an array of data to inform decision making and planning.

At Woodmans Hill, our SWPBS purpose statement is: “We purposefully foster a consistent and inclusive environment where self-determined, resilient and engaged students learn and grow.” 

We have developed a matrix of positive behaviours that we expect all students to demonstrate whilst at school. This matrix covers different areas of the school and is focused on our school values.

School wide expectations for all settings



• I encourage my peers
• I am respectful of others’ individual differences and choices
• I include others in school activities



• I look after everyone’s personal property
• I actively listen to other’s views and opinions
• I keep our school environment clean, tidy and free from damage
• I am an upstander, not a bystander



• I am on time to all lessons & extra curriculur activities with required equipment
• I use break times effectively during the day
• I complete and submit work on time
• I come to class ready to learn



• I strive to achieve my best in all settings
• I challenge myself within my learning
• I set meaningful goals to improve my outcomes at school and beyond
• I have high expectations of myself



• I am willing to make mistakes
• I use different strategies to problem solve
• I accept and act upon feedback to improve my learning
• I keep trying, not giving up